Why it Matters

Every day in so many ways, the work of the Inspired Women Uganda makes a difference in the lives of women and girls around the world.

Our mission: to inspire and empower women and girls to be economically and socially independent, make healthy choices for themselves and their families, from sexual and reproductive health to sleeping under bed nets to visiting a doctor when they are sick, and demanding for their rights and better service delivery in their communities.

Since our founding more than three years ago, our messages have reached 12,000 women and girls people from almost every part of Uganda.

Only through stories of those we have helped along the way can we show you the kind of true impact we have made, how what we do really matters. Explore some of our recent stories from the field below.

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Our vision is a world that needs women in every aspect, grant them the opportunity to be; equal opportunities, access to education and freedom to engage in economic opportunities.


To effectively impact the lives of Women and girls to achieve their full economic potential. We believe in learning from the experiences of others and we strive to connect thousands of women to those that have a story to tell and through this sharing and networking, a bubble of energy is generated to push the women beyond the imagination of their wildest dreams.

Inspired Women Hosts the First lady of Uganda

On 22nd May 2018 Inspired Women Uganda hosted the First Lady of Uganda, Hon. Mrs. Janet Museveni. She came to celebrate with us for our remarkable achievement of making 2 years as we empower women. During this event, she was also awarded for her role as being an “Exceptional Woman” throughout her lifetime and dedicated service to women and girls since 1986. The award also honored her work with HIV/AIDS prevention efforts and AIDS orphans in Uganda.

The First Lady, who is also the minister for Education and Sports, accepted the award and in her speech, and he implored Inspired Women for its work with women and girls and reiterated the fact that this strengthens women’s position as economic actorsin a fast changing world. She also acknowledged the positive role men play in nurturing girls and women in society. Ms Museveni said: “We celebrate the husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons. These are fellow nurturers of our girls. The nurturing of girls is the responsibility of both gender, and we cherish the support and cheer of our men.”

Ms Museveni added that the world the girl-child is growing in today is very different and presents new joys but equally many challenges. “The typical mother in our setting wakes up early to go to work to make a living and while we should celebrate the role of women in the workplace, it presents the challenge of who looks after the little ones at home. To successfully raise today’s girl-child into a woman of substance, of character, it takes sacrifice, wisdom, collaboration with others,” she added.

Celebrating Exceptional Women

Empowering women in the economy and closing gender gaps in the world are key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 5, to achieve gender equality, and Goal 8, to promote full and productive employment and decent work for all; also Goal 1 on ending poverty, Goal 2 on food security, Goal 3 on ensuring health and Goal 10 on reducing inequalities.

IWU with partners designed and implemented “The Exceptional Woman Initiative”. This was designed to prepare experienced women leaders to take on new challenges in the social sector where they potentially can make an even greater societal impact than they have done in their careers.

Women and girls were encouraged to get involved in this initiative as it provided an opportunity to discuss and respond to a series of questions about the status of a young woman today in the career world especially after school.

We collaborated with French Embassy, Ruparelia Foundation, Kafeero Foundation, African Women and Girls Organization for Total Knowledge (AWIGO), Zimba Women, and mentored 2,500 women and girls in communities and universities in and around Kampala district.

We held 50 mentorship sessions simultaneously. The sessions were held in 50 different locations on the same date, same time each targeting 50 women and girls.  Kyambogo and Nkumba Universities, YMCA, and successful women mentors like Stephanie Rivoal former French Ambassador, Prof. Maria Gorretti N. Musoke Deputy VC Kyambogo, Nada Andersen, and Mrs. Mildred Tibananuka, Dean of Students, Kyambogo University

“The Platform”

Together with AWIGO and other implementing partners, we designed and launched a platform that will help close the gender digital divide among women and girls. We are yet to operationalize the platform. This platform was launched at a thanksgiving and award dinner. Inspired Women Uganda was also recognized and awarded for being part of the gender equality movement in Uganda. The Platform aims at creating an enabling environment for women and girls to interact and share ideas with people with similar lifestyles, likes and dislikes.

The launch was presided over by Dr. Maggie Kigozi, an accomplished women leader and entrepreneur was the key note speaker recognized as an implementing partner in the fight for gender equality.

The platform when operational will help in educating, upskilling and re-skilling of young women – specially to keep pace with rapid technological and digital transformations as well as their income-generation opportunities and participation in the formal labor market.