Prudence is a development worker with National and international working experience. She is Social Sector Specialist with a Masters for Women Leaders in Community Development (Coady International Institute – St Francis Xavier University in CANADA), Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management (Mbarara University), Bachelor’s Degree in Development studies (Mbarara University), Post Graduate Certificate in Community Development Leadership by women (Coady International Institute – St Francis Xavier University in CANADA).

Prudence has worked with UNDP (Millennium Village’s Project) as Community Development Facilitator for Western Region – Ruhira Project for 5years. She was charged with youth and women issues in the project.

Prudence conducted various trainings while working at community level in Ruhira Millennium villages’ project, in Isingiro district. These trainings included managing community development projects, gender trainings, distribution of sanitary towels to girls in school, and empowerment of poor rural women in income generating activities.

She has worked at various levels with other agencies like JICCA based in Kampala at Ministry of works and transport as the project administrator charged with project operations in Kampala and three other districts for 5 years.

Prudence is passionate about women and girl child’s social achievements. She is a member of Mothers union in the Church of Uganda (All saints’ church – Kungu). She is also a business Woman and a consultant in Monitoring and evaluation.