Sustainable Food Security

IWU sustainable food security projects have evolved over the years through increasingly integrated attention to the social, gender, environmental. technical and economic dimensions of the problem. We know the challenge for the future will be to pursue a concrete attainment of equity in access to resources by women to produce food, and purchasing power to buy food where it is not produced there enhancing their potential to generate food security We design measures to address the constraints facing women farmers that aim to ensure that women have equal opportunities with men to own land; facilitate women’s access to agricultural services tailoring such services to their needs; encourage the productions of food crops through the use of incentives; promote the adoption of appropriate inputs and technology to free up Women’s time for income-producing activities; improve the nutritional status of women and children;

We also do collaborate with partners that help communities that,

  • Strengthen food processing capacities and value addition to reduce post-harvest losses and food waste
  • Improve agricultural yields and strengthen capacity of farmers in food production and management
  • Foster local market places and promote specialized horticulture products reduce food waste and to boost local economic development
  • Improve policy coordination and inter-sectorial coordination
  • Empower young women and men through training, capacity building and in-come generating activities
  • Support the development of a more inclusive food value chain